πŸ“• Node [[yes but not all of us physically assault our employees and then are lionized for it]]
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πŸ“„ Yes--but-not-all-of-us-physically-assault-our-employees-and-then-are-lionized-for-it.md by @enki

Yes, but not all of us physically assault our employees and then are

lionized for it.

Yes, but not all of us physically assault our employees and then are lionized for it. That’s reserved for a special class of people whose luck has ruled them immune to criticism.

By John Ohno on December 4, 2015.

[Canonical link](https://medium.com/@enkiv2/yes-but-not-all-of-us-physically- assault-our-employees-and-then-are-lionized-for-it-54ca378e8a34)

Exported from Medium on September 18, 2020.

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